Sense your way was a training course which aims to create a special space for exploring SENSING through movement, dance, touch, somatics and voice practices.
It happened in France, in Chartrier-Ferrière (Corrèze), in the Oasis des âges, from 23th SEPTEMBER to 4th of OCTOBER 2024 (travels days included).
This training course focused on the exploration of the sensitivity of the body. We opened a space with the intention of letting the movement emerge, hatch and flourish, develop the creative potential present in each of us and experience full presence, with all the Living that composes and surrounds us.
We invited participants to be connected to the sensitive world through the body and the voice, bases of our unique and singular expression. By listening to our wild intuition, our little voice that guides our steps, they had the opportunity to express yourself with artistic tools in non verbal communication and find directions they wanted to embody in their personal and work life.
We employed various techniques, such as Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Somatics practices (with Body-Mind-Centering) and Voices practices to enhance your awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts.
Contact Improvisation is a dance form that focuses on physical connection and improvisation. It is a non-competitive, non-goal-oriented practice that allows you to explore the relationship between your body and your partner's, guided by gravity, in a safe and supportive environment.
Authentic Movement offers a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. It explores the relationship between a mover and a witness, being seen and seeing. With eyes closed, the mover listens inwardly and finds a movement arising from a hidden prompting, a cellular impulse. Gradually the invisible becomes visible, the inaudible becomes audible, and explicit form is given to the content of direct experience

Investigate the expressive potential of the body, the power of inner-creativity and enhance self-discovery
Revise and redefine our approach to physical touch, exploring various forms of physical contact
Dive into the nature exploration with mindfulness practises
Awake the voice inside us, by singing practises
Live in a mindful community experience with cooperation, sharing and caring
Express ourselves with authenticity through reflection times and sharing circles
This training course was about:
Develop a deeper understanding, connection, and acceptance of the body
Foster holistic listening and explore communication with oneself and others through artistic expression
Experience embodiment with contact improvisation and somatic practices to enhance non-verbal communication skills and emotional intelligence

"We want to open the treasure of natural creativity, with the inner endless source of curiosity and spontaneity, being moved by and with the dynamic of the inner landscape."

Meet the Team
Spaces Holders
" in the heart of my wild intuition
there is
my body
who knows
who Am I
and where to Go
I dance
and I embrace all directions
and I let exist all possibilities of Being
to what is tiny and vast at the same time
from our subtle and sensitive depths
to the great bursts in the storms
for unwind the threads of our fragilities
and I dance
and I feel what is alive in the crevices, in the high peaks and in the whirlwinds
and I dance
I dance
again and again "
"Among many other things, I feel movement as composition, the body composes in order to recompose, transitioning through poses, and pauses.
It is about playing with the form, to in-form and trans-form
transform the space
within me and you
between us
in touch
is a composition
of guessings, of held intensity
of waving, compressing, stretching and spiraling forces"
"Dear inner voice, Let’s find a place to meet.
I know that you are somewhere, waiting to step out and reach outer space ‘cause sometimes, I hear you crawling along my throat, asking myself what to do with all your colors.
What do you think of a virgin forest where we could walk barefoot ? Where we could hear the wind’s whispers and the bubbling river ?
We’ll be just the two of us ‘cause apart from me, no one has been here before. We could breathe wider, enjoy the silence and paint all the clouds with our magnificent songs. I might be able to listen to you, more often than usually.
I would be happy to feel you. And to sing you. And to dance you. To whistle you to walk you to run you to spread you to shout you to scream you to lullaby you. I sure will be happy to meet you there.
Can’t wait to see you, Your caring and humble servant."

The delicious food will be vegan/vegetarian, prepared with love and care by our cook Andréa.
​ "My name is Andrea Mendizabal, and I will be cooking for you vegetarian meals during this training course. The meals I prepare are carefully designed to be easily digested by each one of us, with our own caracteristics and imbalances. The food will be organic, gluten-free, seasonal and local to reduce our carbone footprint as much as possible. You will be eating plenty of colors and lot's of love. If you are curious, you can find my creations here : And you can also find me at my restaurant Tiers-lieu Pachamama's in Strasbourg! " ​
In order to provide and keep a safe and focused atmosphere for everybody we invite you to agree with an alcohol/drugs-free policy during the whole training course.